Web3 Social and Gaming Platform

Infrastructure to bridge the social disconnect and remove the complex barriers that plague Blockchain Gaming and the crypto industry.

Avatar Creator Studio

Mint your own avatar and take it with you - wherever you go in the Metaverse.

The Kirin Avatar Creator Studio gives you all the tools you need to create a digital avatar that is uniquely you. Using a combination of advanced AI and photo-realistic rendering engines, the Kirin Avatar Creator Studio will allow for a more realistic, seamless, and lifelike experience when creating and playing as a digital avatar in the Metaverse – whichever Metaverse you happen to be in. 

Your gateway into the Metaverse.

Kirin is how you will create, play, learn, and earn in the Metaverse.

Kirin is the key to unlocking the true potential of Web3 gaming by developing the technology the Metaverse needs in order to reach its full potential as the next evolution of the internet… and humanity.

Cross-chain interoperability.

Kirin enables games to hop from metaverse to metaverse, allowing for a truly decentralized gaming ecosystem with no central points of control or failure.

Play, move, and learn to earn.

In order to incentivize more Web2 gamers and developers to learn about Web3, we've designed our platform to make it easy and fun to play games and earn real-world rewards.

Feel the metaverse.

Developments in AI, VR, and haptics technology will allow for a more immersive and realistic Metaverse experience that will make you feel like you're really there.

Full ownership of your digital self.

Kirin will give you full control over your digital identity, how it is used, and more. Mint your own NFTs, wear your favorite digital clothes, and show the world who you really are.
Kirin Car Club

Join the KCC

  • This membership will come in the form of a NFT; once your token(s) are minted, you will have exclusive access to the first real world and virtual car club. Built on the Ethereum Blockchain using ERC-721A, there will be a finite number of tokens that will give our members access to the Kirin Car Club Membership. Using the Ethereum blockchain provides both security and transparency for our members.
Objective 1

Bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 gaming by addressing the lack of understanding of Web3.

An overwhelming majority of Web2 gamers and developers are unaware of Web3 and its potential, which is a huge barrier to widespread adoption. In order to address this, we need to educate them on what Web3 is, why it’s important, and how it can benefit them. Kirin aims to solve this by incentivizing education and removing the friction from development of new environments, avatars, and NFTs by introducing low-code and no-code tools directly into the AR/VR interface.

Objective 2

Achieve cross-chain interoperability, bringing the future of the Metaverse into view for everyone.

In order to achieve a true Metaverse like the one we have come to expect from watching movies such as Ready Player One and TV shows like Upload, we need to have cross-chain interoperability. This is the ability for different blockchains to interact with each other, and is a key component of making the Metaverse possible. Kirin is working on this by developing its own innovative cross-chain platform that will enable gamers to hop from Metaverse to Metaverse, allowing for a truly decentralized gaming ecosystem where gamers have complete freedom to explore, game, earn, and innovate.

Objective 3

Use advancements in AI, VR, and haptics technology to blur the lines between the Metaverse and reality.

Without advances in technology, the Metaverse will always be limited to what we can imagine. But with the rapid pace of innovation in fields such as AI, VR, and haptics, the Metaverse is becoming more and more realistic every day. Kirin will work with leading innovators in each of these fields in order to bring the Metaverse to life and make it available to everyone – regardless of location or circumstance.