
Invest in the Future of Web3 today.

The Metaverse is coming, whether we like it or not. The infrastructure and technology that will make up the Metaverse of tomorrow are being built as we speak. The only question is, who will control it?


Read our Investor Deck to learn more about our vision, goal, and the profitability of Web3.

Web3 gaming and technology is in its infancy, and investing in Kirin today will ensure that you are a part of the Metaverse tomorrow. Web3 will prove to be one of the most lucrative and profitable investment opportunities of the next decade, and we invite you to be a part of it.

Problems & Solutions

Sure, Web3 is the future. But what problems does Kirin solve?

Without widespread acceptance of Web3 technology, the Metaverse will be nothing more than a pipe dream. In order for the Metaverse to become a reality, someone needs to solve for the following problems:

1. Acceptance

If Web2 gamers won't accept Web3 gaming, the Metaverse will never become a reality.

We are on the brink of a generational tipping point in acceptance of cryptocurrency, Web3, and DeFi as a whole. The fear of missing out is palpable, and the sense of urgency to get involved in what will surely be the biggest investment opportunity of our lifetimes is electric. Still, there are barriers to widespread acceptance of DeFi and Web3 gaming, including…

Not Social

Currently, Web3 gaming ecosystems lack a sense of authentic social connection. This is a chicken-and-egg problem: players don’t want to join an ecosystem that feels isolated, and game developers don’t want to build an ecosystem that will only appeal to a small subset of the gaming population.

Too Complex

According to market research, Web2 gamers think Web3 gaming is too complicated. They are not wrong – currently, the technology is in its infancy and requires a high degree of technical knowledge to even begin to participate. This leads to a feeling of elitism and isolation that further reinforces the “not social” problem.

Slow & Expensive

Currently, Web3 games built on Ethereum suffer from an inhumane level of network congestion. This leads to a very slow and very expensive user experience, which is completely unacceptable to the majority of Web2 gamers.

Poor User Experience

A lack of proper UX/UI design is a huge barrier to entry for Web2 gamers. The vast majority of Web3 games look and feel like they were built by engineers, for engineers. This makes the games appear clunky, complicated, and uninviting.

2. Adoption

Developers need to adopt a standard technology, protocol, and infrastructure in order for the Metaverse to become a reality.

Without a standard infrastructure for building Web3 apps and Metaverse environments, the Metaverse will fragment into a million different pieces, none of which will be compatible with each other. The solution to this problem is adoption of a standard technology, protocol, and infrastructure for building Web3 applications and environments. Without the adoption of a standard, the Metaverse is forever doomed to be a pipe dream.

3. Seamlessness

Creating a seamless transition from Web2 gaming to Web3 gaming is critical to the success of the Metaverse as a whole.

By creating a seamless transition from Web2 into Web3, promoting the education of developers using low-code and no-code creation tools, and incentivizing the development of user-friendly applications and environments, we can make the Metaverse a reality.


Read our Investor Deck to learn more about our vision, goal, and the profitability of Web3.

Web3 gaming and technology is in its infancy, and investing in Kirin today will ensure that you are a part of the Metaverse tomorrow. Web3 will prove to be one of the most lucrative and profitable investment opportunities of the next decade, and we invite you to be a part of it.